Saturday, May 14, 2011

A new baby changes everything

It has been nice not being plugged in to the internet as much as I usually am. 

I have been enjoying my time with my family.

Ava is the newest addition.

Aiden and Addyson are adapting well.

Our first night home went great.

Last night we were up all night. Ava decided to be mad at the world from 10:00 to about 2 in the morning. I had to crash as I was up at 4:30 that morning. Poor Amanda stayed up for a while longer to calm Ava(she had a few naps in during the day which is why she stayed up).

Ava and Amanda are crashed right now as I try to get caught up in all my work.

Yes, I am tired. My eyes are bloodshot, but that is part of having a new baby.

I have many pictures to share, but in the meantime I will share some images of her from Bella Baby Photography for now.


password: 0509avamaurer

Ava is awesome despite keeping us up all night.


SarcasmInAction said...

what's her middle name?? You haven't shared yet bubba!

Frankie said...

Eeee! She's so cute!

Ed said...

Many congratulations from Japan!

SarcasmInAction said...

what's her middle name?? You haven't shared yet bubba!