Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dark Eden by Parick Carman Book Promotion

I received this very cool box yesterday that contained some great book promotion materials for Dark Eden by Patrick Carman that comes out on Halloween. I am super excited for this book. I remember book talking Skeleton Creek many years back and showing the first video to 300+ 6th graders and watching them become instantly hooked.

Skeleton Creek has been done to death in my building and I am in need of something new that follows the same type of format. I read about Dark Eden and instantly pre-ordered the book for the Kindle. I have great hope that this book is going to scare the pants right off of me.

Anyways, I contacted the publisher and they delivered some great promotional goodies. I am going to give it all away to hopefully generate some interest in this new book.

I have two shirts - one black and one white - that I will be giving away along with 5 lanyards.

FEAR IS THE CURE T-SHIRT is what I am giving away

Here is how you can apply to enter for the two shirts and/or one of the five lanyards

1. Follow my blog and leave a comment that you wish to enter.
2. Take one of the 20 FEAR TEST cd's, take the test and then return the cd to me with your results. I am going to poll all the results to see what our fears are. If you don't want to wait for the cd, then go the website and take the test. Make sure to send me your results.
3. Come up with something more clever and convince me it is worthy of an entry.

How I felt while taking the test!!!!
I will be giving away the goodies on November 3rd.

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