Monday, April 25, 2011

Coffeechug Concepts Diigo Group, iGoogle, Symbaloo, and Bit Literacy Organization

As I have downsized my email accounts it has forced me to become even more organized in other aspects of my online life. As I quit using my email account as a storage device and began to determine whether or not something was worthy enough of  keeping I had to begin to sort and organize the material.

For example, sifting through the hundreds of emails in my gmail account I began to realize several things
1. I was keeping emails that really held no importance to me. For some reason I kept an email thinking it was way too important to delete, but not so important for me to read and do something with instantly. Over time I collected hundreds of these emails and when going through them realized they held no significance to me.

However, if they did contain something important, then it was time to read and if worth keeping filing and sharing on my Diigo group, Coffeechug Concepts Feel free to follow and join my group where I will share any articles or links I find interesting enough to keep. I have loaded up quite a bit since going through all my email so there is plenty for you to back read. Feel free to share your own and I look forward to creating a great network of people to share information with.

2. I simply forgot to email people back. I am to a point where I receive a lot of emails. With the hectic schedule of my school day I often do not get any time to check my gmail account. Over time I simply forgot to write someone back which is a pet peeve of mine. I try to respond to everyone within 24 hours. My lack of organization lead to be someone who drives me insane and not very professional.

3. I sure send a lot of emails to myself. Most of unread emails were from me either via Twitter, websites online, or just sending files back and forth to various computers. Problem is that I rarely did anything with them. Now with my Diigo toolbar and creating a Symbaloo page I should be able to better sort resources that I need.

4. I kept emails to remind me of important in which I would forget because I could not find the email. I have now restructured my iGoogle page and my Google Calendar. Things are going great. It helps to have emails and texts when meetings and things are getting ready to happen.

I feel much more at ease with things. I think I am the most organized I have been in a while. I still have a long way to go, but I am making strides. As I continue to organize myself I can see different aspects of my life finally being organized(books, music, toys) as well.

On a final note I have to share this and I don't intend to toot my own horn, but I cannot tell you how excited I was to see that my blog viewings were coming in from a new source. I checked out the source and about fell out of my chair to see that I was mentioned by Mark Hurst, the author of Bit Literacy. The man who has created a book that has literally changed my life. I have to share it here because not too often does my insights are writing make it very far. It is a honor to be referenced by Mark Hurst. So cool. So very cool.

This has made my day.

Back to becoming more Bit Literate.

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