Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Here are 14 things I learned so far at LEAP (Lego Education Advisory Panel)

Sweet new shirt #coffeechugpln @lego_education @lego_educationuk

After finally arriving in Kansas City Monday night after some flight issues I was able to sit down to some great BBQ and make some new connections with some amazing people. I was quite humbled as I felt out of place to be honest with you. I felt like perhaps I did not belong. These people at LEAP are brilliant, smart, intelligent, and see ideas in amazing different perspectives.

After dinner, a scavenger hunt, Life of George, and sitting around talking late Monday night I decided to compile what I have learned so far at this wonderful and engaging Tuesday full of work and communicating with amazing educators and LEGO people

1. Business and Education don't mix - Just kidding. They do and that is why this conference exists. Business wants an inside out view of education and on the flip side we as educators are able to see the outside in view. So amazing how perspective changes everything. It is good for both sides of the team from the education to business angles.

2. I really don't know anything about robots. I thought I did, but I really don't. Plain and simple truth.

3. People with British accents are so cool. Not sure why, but they are.

4. Did I mention that I really don't know as much as I thought I did?

5. The power of collaboration is unstoppable when you group people who are passionate together.

6. Give people time to play and they will find answers to existing problems as well as come up with amazing new ideas.

7. When you see food you feel compelled to eat even if you are not hungry.

8. Open source software is going to change the face of engineering if it has not already. Perhaps it already has started, but for those of us new to this idea - WHOA!

9. When you reach a level of "genius" you only become more "genius" when you share. I am blown away by how much the people here at LEAP know and how much they do with their students. What blows my mind even more is how much they are willing to share and connect. This is so essential to life and to education.

10. LEAP members are great people which is why they are so successful. Their personalities showcase why their classrooms are successful and not vice versa.

11. PASSION is at the heart of everything whether LEGO, education, pursing ways to enhance ourselves as educators, etc. It does not matter. Love what you do.

12. Not one educator here views their job as work. I cannot believe how many people tell me they don't work, they play for a living. How AWESOME is that?

13. I love this conference wish I could be part of LEAP for life!

14. I learned that I cannot wait for another day of great things to learn, connect, and share.

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