Educational History/Resume

Educational History and Professional Development Activities 

A.    Beginning with most recent, list colleges and universities attended including postgraduate studies.  Indicate degrees earned and dates of attendance.
a.      Nova Southeastern University - Master's degree, Educational/Instructional Technology, 2005 – 2007. Grade: 4.0/4.0

b.     Ashford University - Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Secondary Education and Teaching, 1999 – 2003. Grade: 3.98/4.0

B.    Beginning with most recent, list teaching employment history indicating time period, grade level and subject area.
a.      Instructional Coach at Bettendorf Community School District from June 2013 – Present.

b.     ELP Facilitator and Educator at Bettendorf Community School District (gifted education) from August 2009 – 2013.

c.      Sixth grade social studies, literature, and computer at Bettendorf Community School District from August 2004 – 2009.

C.    Beginning with most recent, list professional association memberships including information regarding offices held and other relevant activities.

a.      SENG (Social and Emotional Need of the Gifted) Model Parent Group Facilitator Training Certification, Gifted Education, 2013 – present
                                               i.     The facilitator of the SENG model brings together parents of gifted and talented children to discuss topics of interest to them in an accepting, nonjudgmental environment.

b.     Coach and Mentor of First Lego League Robotics - August 2010 – Present
                                               i.     2012 – 2013
1.     First place Research Project at regional competition
2.     First place in Robot Performance in regional competition
3.     First place for Overall Project at state competition
4.     Top 10 Global Innovation Idea

                                             ii.     2011 – 2012
1.     First place in Robot Performance at regional competition
2.     First place in Core Values at regional competition
3.     Champion’s Award (first place overall) at state competition
4.     Participant in International Competition

                                            iii.     2010 – 2011
1.     First place in Research Presentation in regional competition

c.      Flat Classroom Certified 2011 - The Flat Classroom® Certified Teacher course content supports educators in the development of a PLN (personal learning network) to use to create, collaboration, and global project design and management. In addition, the course provides strategies for challenge-based professional development.
                                               i.     A Week In the Life – Teacher Leader and Instructor
                                             ii.     Eracism – Debate Judge
                                            iii.     Master Meta-Judge 2013 at Flat Classroom NetGen from April 2013 - May 2013

d.     ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) and ITAG (Iowa Talented and Gifted) Member

e. LEAP Member (Lego Education Advisory Panel) - One of 50 educators selected to take part of this amazing team and work with Lego Education.

D.    Beginning with most recent, list staff development leadership activity and leadership activity in the training of future teachers.
a.      August 10 - 14th, 2013 - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
                                               i.     Passion Based Classroom
                                             ii.     Going Global in the Classroom

b.     April 10, 2013 Technology Integration Conference for Bettendorf Community School District
                                               i.     Session #1: Speed Geeking 101
                                             ii.     Session #2: Crowdsourcing for Educators
1.     Twitter course for Educators on #coffeechugPLN network

c.      March 15, 2013 MIT: Learning Creative Learning Course – “How do I operate a robotics team?”

d.     November 12-15, 2012 Global Education Conference – Going Global with Coffeechug

e.      October 15, 2012 ITAG Conference - Flattening Your Classroom Walls with Coffeechug

E.     Beginning with the most recent, list awards and other recognition of your teaching.
a.      Published in textbook: Lindsay, Julie, and Vicki A.. Davis. Flattening classrooms, engaging minds: move to global collaboration one step at a time. Boston: Pearson, 2013. Print.

b.     WQAD Teacher of the Year Nomination (2004)

c.      Belin Blank Teacher Nomination - the Belin Blank Center (University of Iowa) recognizes teachers each year who "play an integral part in the lives of students who achieve at a high level."  Nominations come from the students. (2012)

Coffeechugbooks brand – this is my Personal Learning Network name. More people and students know me by this than my actual name. All the tools, connections, and sites I use to bring my teaching to real world learning.

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