Saturday, December 7, 2013

App Review: DogCatChicken

Name of App
  • DogCatChicken

iTunes Link
  • $2.99
App Icon
  • Okay, would appeal to younger kids
Ease of Use
  • Simple. Nothing too complicated. My 2 year old could figure it out.
Overall Feel
  • I tested this app out on my two year old. She likes the interactions, animations, and the pages.
What is Good?
  • Interactions and easy to manipulate
What is Not Good?
  • The one thing that I drove me nuts was that there was no built in reader. Many times my kids like to be left alone to read and explore. How is she to learn and hear the story if there is not option to have the words read to them?
Yahoo or Boo
  • Boo, book apps must have a built in reader.
Coffeechug Hall of Fame
  • No
Use It Again
  • No

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