Thursday, November 4, 2010

Another cool little nifty thing for all you Facebook users

I receive the "I Heart Daily" newsletter which I love reading when it pops up in my email. Today the newsletter contained a link and story write up about Social Printshop, which is an online service will turn all of your friends' profile photos into a 20 x 40 inch poster for $20.

You can customize the poster with some color changes and schemes. I went to the website and signed up for the newsletter because they are promoting expanding their idea to Twitter, Foursquare, Flickr, and a few others.

I had to share this as I just posted my favorite links of the week and apparantly posted too soon. I may not get a poster of my FB friends, but Twitter would be one that I would like to try.

Why can I not think of something clever like this?

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