Sunday, August 14, 2011

Training - Week 12 - Week 10 of Marathon Training - Sunday - 5 Miles to shake out legs

I slept in this morning for the first time all week. I slept until 6:30 and just enjoyed the morning. Doing this meant that I had to run later in the evening. It was a busy day getting things around for the first day of school for the kids and Amanda and myself(well, first day with kids).

My legs were tired today. I can tell I have come a long way in my training because after my 18 mile run yesterday my legs were tired and a little sore, but I was actually able to be active the rest of the day. Today my legs were tired, but I was not nearly as sore as I imagined being.

I had a 5 mile run to get in today to wrap up week 10 of training. The first mile I went out nice and easy running a 8:25 pace allowing my legs to warm up and get loose. After the first mile my body warmed up and I just went out and ran at a steady pace where I was on the verge of pushing to the next level, but still keeping it somewhat relaxed and easy. I was able to sustain mile runs of 7:36, 7:21, 7:25, and 7:27 to finish up the run. I felt really good. My knees and quads were sore and tired, but everything else felt good. This was a great feeling especially coming off the long run yesterday.

One thing I did learn was not to chug the remains of a diet pop before running because my stomach was on fire the entire run. That part was not enjoyable at all. I finished the run in 38:18 which is a 7:39 pace.

Another crazy week has wrapped up with many ups and downs in the training. Looking forward to another great week of training as I have to get in 40 miles.

Last, I made it official and finally registered for the QC Marathon. I have been holding off due to self doubt, but I made the plunge. If I can sustain this training for this long and continue to train in this manner, then I have a good chance of not falling over and collapsing after mile 20 mile. I feel good about the training and my runs, but there is that little voice that tells me I am crazy trying to run 26 miles. I will prove that voice wrong by GETTING IT DONE!

Have a great week.

Week Totals:
39.2 Miles Running
10 Miles Biking
2 Weight Lifting Sessions on Upper Body and Core

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