Saturday, April 14, 2012

93 Days Remaining Part 2: Trainer Ride & Food Tracking

Despite my motivation all day to get this ride in, when push came to shove I needed a big shove to get on the bike. 8:30 hit and the kids just went to bed and I was exhausted. I laid in bed and forced myself to get up and get going. I made my way to the basement, turned on the Lionel Richie country show/concert on TV and started up.

I thought about doing a Spinerval workout, but I knew that I would be incredibly sore the next morning for the long run. I put in a simple trainer ride where I tried to keep my cadence above 90 and speed over 20 for the 26 mile ride. I need to build up my leg endurance. This whole 56 mile ride come race day is going to be my biggest obstacle. I need a decent bike time to achieve my goals. Trying to manage this pace and cadence was just the right challenge where my legs were fatiguing but my HR stayed in a good place.

Towards the end my cadence dropped to the 80's, but I turned up my gears so I working on power to mix things up. I believe it was mile 24 I pushed hard for .75 miles just to test the legs.

Overall, this was good ride because mentally I was just not there in the beginning. I was glad I was able to complete the ride. It really helps with keeping me on track heading into the weekend.

I am still tracking what I eat and it is mind blowing how much I "snack". The best thing is that all jelly beans are out of the house so that will greatly help my sugar overload. The other interesting thing is how much I eat, but when I factor in my training how I still come up short on my daily goals. So far I am noticing some basic things

- too much snacking a.k.a. grazing in front of the food pantry
-less sugar and garbage snacks, more quality snacks with protein
-need more protein

Well, it is time to get ready for a long run. Hoping the rain stays away.

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