Woke up at 4:15, ate my chocolate chip waffles, drank my coffee and headed out the door to the Y. I knew the morning running group was going to be low in numbers with the race tomorrow, but I was hoping at least someone would be there. Well, there was one person(thank goodness). Emily and I took off for a run this morning. The humidity was heavy already and I am glad I got this run in early.
This run was at a nice relaxed pace that I needed. However, my legs were tired. At this point in my training this run should really have no impact on me. I don't know if it was the bike workout from Sunday or still the combination of the tough week last week, but my quads were fried at the end of this workout.
After this run I ate a Honey Stinger and headed to the pool. I decided to mix up my routine by swimming today instead of tomorrow. The Bettendorf Y is the only Y open tomorrow and I did not want to risk a packed pool so I swam today. My lats were sore from the workout yesterday. Between my fatigued legs and my sore lats this swim workout took a lot of mental focus. I had another 3200 yard workout planned for today that I turned into 3400 as I just could not pass up swimming 2 miles when so close.
200 Free @ 3:23
200 Pull @ 3:29
200 Kick @ 4:02
Main Set
1000 yards @ 2000 yard race pace - 17:55
I was not too happy with this time. I know that race day is about 2200 yards. I want to be under 40 minutes. I saw my time at 500 yards and it was 9:10 so I picked up the pace to get under 18 minutes.
60 second rest
1000 yard swim @ 2000 yard race pace - 17:39
I started much stronger, but started to get really tired. My legs and arms just did not have it today. When I hit 1000 yards I stopped for about 2 seconds to record my time and then set out for another 200 yards to get 2200 yards
200 @ 3:22 - Well, this was my second 200 yard time as I did not hit the right button to record my first 200. I will use this time for both. I had to dig to keep going.
200 @ 3:22
Cool Down
200 Pull @ 3:31
200 Kick @ 3:57
Basically, adding some of these times together my race time would have been 39:06 for 2200 yards. This puts me under 40 minutes for my race. I know 1.2 miles is 2112, but I know I don't swim straight so I will be over this. Hopefully the wetsuit will allow me to pick up some speed and feeling fresh I can also swim faster. I just cannot panic in the open water with people. I have not swam open water in weeks so it will be new territory again.
I am wiped out for the day. Lots of people coming over for dinner and fireworks tonight so clean up duty is in session.
Plan is to get my big ride in tomorrow. I will see how I feel as I will have to wake up early to beat the heat.
Total Swim Time: 60:59
Total Yards: 3400
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