I have been sleeping pretty poorly all week. Partly due to the taper and partly due to my nerves. Last night I slept the worse yet. It is weird how this week I have done very little training and yet I am the most tired and sore I have been in months.
Thursday I met up with Chad again to knock out 4 miles.
This was a nice easy, relaxed run. My left shin was bothering me during the run, but Dr. Walden worked his magic later in the afternoon and alleviated any issues my body was having. I was supposed to ride 10 miles yesterday, but I did not get it in. Instead we headed out to Olive Garden and I tore up some food. It was my last major meal besides my Saturday night meal. Ava was not having any part of the restaurant experience so I snarfed by food down and took her out to the van.
This morning I headed to the Y for a short swim. I was dragging after waking up every 20 minutes last night. I had 1200 yards to get in. It felt good to just swim and mentally think about the race. I have ran this race at least 30 times in my mind this week.
Warm Up
100 Free @ 1:44
100 Pull @ 1:46
100 Kick @ 1:59
400 Free @ 7:05
200 Free @ 3:24
200 Pull @ 3:18
100 Kick @ 1:59
Total Yards 1200
Total Time 22 minutes
After the swim I sat in the sauna for about 15 minutes. It felt good to sweat a bit and just mentally relax.
I got home and jumped on my bike. I wanted to get a ride outside to practice corner and turns. This race has a million turns on the bike course. I am not too savvy when it comes to turns on the bike. I know I need to trust my skills otherwise I am going to lose some valuable time slowing up and getting out of the aero position every turn.
My legs felt horrible on the bike. I could not get them going. If they feel this way Sunday I will be in for a long ride in the saddle.
I just kept at it and finally towards the end I was starting to feel my legs come alive. A little bit of wind as it looked like a storm was brewing. It felt good to get out.
I will admit it is weird to think that I started on this journey way back during the first week of December 2011 and 230+ days later here I am ready to reach my goal.
Time for breakfast and a million things to do, but I will be working a post about how I made it to this point soon.
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