I recently read an interesting article about MOOC's titled "Putting a MOOC on the Resume"
This article have given me a chance to pause and reflect on what I do. I don't have a resume as I am pretty happy with my teaching positions within my school district and really hope to never have to worry about finding a new job(unless it is something that improves my mission in life and finances). However, I have filled out at least 12 different applications for summer programs, internships, sanctioned events, etc. I am currently been working on building a resume on LinkedIN just to track all the things that I do each year.
I have never once mentioned a MOOC on any of these applications.
The question I need to pose to myself is WHY?
The answer is I DON'T KNOW?
I guess I never viewed them as official and perhaps I should. My view has always been that these are like an extended webinar. BUT........I have put more time into some of these than any college credit course I have attended. Why would I not include them on my list of things I have accomplished?
MOOC's are coming from all over as the article gives names to three, but I have taken on from MIT and and taking two right now from Mozilla and Venture Labs out of Standford. These are big. They are not fluff and really do engage the learner.
I don't typically right a blog post about one article, but I undergo these two classes right now and reading this article I wanted to start a conversation about this topic.
What MOOC's have you taken?
What was your experience?
Do you think they are worthy to be added to a resume?
I think I am going to go back and add them to my resume. I just started to create an official one via LinkedIN and these courses should be added. I love it when an article changes the way we think. I don't think adding them will hurt anything and if nothing more prove that I live by my words of being a model learner.
Taking a MOOC is completely self driven. There is not compensation, no movement up the pay ladder in education, and it is up to you to see it through.
I have my first AHA moment of the week.
I love it when that happens.
What about you?
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