Monday, December 7, 2009

Book Review: Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by the famous writers and obscure

My obsession with the Six Word Memoir idea and books has once again come back to resurface. This review will be different because there is not really a story to sum up and reflect on. Instead there are hundreds of life stories shared in six words. The latest book that I read in the series was Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by the famous writers and obscure from Smith Magazine. I absolutely love reading these memoirs. I check the site everyday and this book I had to read as it was one that finally came in the library. I have decided to buy all the books because I love to read these so much. They cause you to process your life. How would you write your life in six words? I have posed this question before and I pose it to you again. Write your memoir in six words and submit to the comments. I have added my top 10(current) memoirs from this book. The first one was in the introduction. I share this because to read this book you must read them slowly and think about who the person behind the memoir truly is. The first one posted is described in the introduction as “The bittersweet “Cursed with cancer. Blessed with friends” came not from a wise, optimistic grandmother, but a nine-year old thyroid-cancer patient survivor. Knowing this tidbit completely changes the dynamics of this memoir and as I read the book I had to stop to visualize the different people who could have shared this or that particular memoir.

I have also decided to add a new series to the blog where once a week I will share a six word idea on how I am feeling at that particular moment of the week. Feel free to chime and share your six word feeling in the comments as I post my ideas. Until next time, check out my favorite memoirs from the book below, check out the SMITH website, and share your own memoirs. Choose your words carefully.

Cursed with cancer, blessed with friends

Says deaf boyfriend: you’re too quiet

Fix a toilet, get paid crap

Lived in moment until moment sucked

Dabbler in much, expert in none

Girlfriend is pregnant, my husband said

Lived like no tomorrow, tomorrow came

Well, I thought it was funny

Thank god the suicide attempt failed

Detergent Girl: Bold. Tide. Cheer. All

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