Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Racing Weight - Reading Reflections: Introduction

I have finally started to read Racing Weight by Matt Fitzgerald  after blogging about this book for a long time now. I  am already into a few chapters, but thought I would post my thoughts piece by piece to help me reflect on my reading and to not burden you with super long posts.

This post will focus on the introduction

Early on it asks the question about setting out to run with less weight. I have been there. Last year I dropped some weight (final weigh in was 215) and it was amazing how much easier the running was as I shed some unwanted weight. It is such a relief to the joints and I felt like I had a little spring to my step. I need to get back to that point and this book will help.

Endurance athletes struggle with body weight just like the average Joe. We all have our own weight issues and it is just different for each person based on their goals and expectations, but in the end we all want what is best. Some go about it the right way and some don't.

I was blown away by the following fact and this fact alone is what prompted me to buy the book. A runner weighing 160 lbs uses 6.5% more energy to run the same pace as a 150 lb man. That is such a great fact. It is important for me to find my proper weight and get there in a healthy manner. Eating is everything I am learning as I have worked to improve my diet for the P90X training. It is expensive to eat healthy, but hopefully in the end it is worth it.

Our modern lifestyle has created laziness and an excess of caloric intake. Just take a look at how easy it is to get food and how large portion sizes have become. Quite disgusting(in my opinion) if you actually take time to think about it. We don't work hard for food and we don't move that much anymore.

Low carb diets are bad for endurance athletes. You need the energy to keep striving for goals. It is important to learn what to eat and when.

The key is to line up training, nutrition, and lifestyle habits to send body consistent message.

As I continue to read this book and start my training with P90X and some base running I will work on the 5 Step Plan provided in this book and track my results here on the blog.

5 Step Plan
1. Improve my diet quality
2. Balance Energy Sources
3. Time my nutrition
4. Manage my appetite
5. Train right.

Until next time.........

Make your plans and goals. Start small and work towards the big picture.

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