Friday, April 22, 2011

At Home On Friday - my sporadic mindset is now reflected in my household

Right now as I type this here is what is happening:

1. My daughter is blaring "Party in the USA" for the 35th time all upset that her hair "not down". Whatever that means. She is running and singing very loud in my basement.

2. My son is drawing a strategy plan for Starcraft. Yes, too young to see the game, but one level is safe enough(he cannot hear the bad words due to Miley Cyrus in bouncing our brain around in our brain). He is  like a military general. He has more thought into a strategy than I thought possible. The sad thing is that I think his plan is actually the answer to beating the mission. How stupid I feel?

3. I stopped by the library yesterday after finding a book my daughter hid from us. The book was a Cailloo book. I hate this cartoon character. I despise him. I despise him even more after paying a fine for my daughter keeping this book hidden. I should not hate a cartoon character and seems immature, but I do. Maybe I will post my reasons later.

4. I am adding more and more content to my Diigo group. I think it is really helping me keep my one email inbox down to 4 emails. See my Bit Literacy Experiment posts from earlier in the week to get caught up in case you missed them. Feel free to join and share information.

5. I am making a long list of things to get done this three day weekend. So much to do.

6. Can you believe that we are adding another native to the tribe in about two weeks. How our world will be turned upside down, but for all good reasons(except the poopy diapers).

7. Time to figure out what book to read next. I had 20 books on hold at the library and they all came in at once.

Here are the ones I am considering right now.

  • Howard Gardner - Five Minds for the Future
  • Waiting For Superman companion book to movie
  • The Element by Ken Robinson
  • Beef Eater by Richard Whitmore
8. Who knows what is about to unfold after I drink this pretend hot tea from my daughter. 

What are some other things I should check out on this great day of hanging out at home with the family?

Time for some real coffee, clean the house, and continue my pursuit of being Bit Literate by "attempting" to clear out my school email and my Gmail.

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