Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Interval Trainer Ride

I had my second bike workout for the week this morning.

I really felt like I was lacking in my training with only two bike rides this week when I had three on my schedule, but after my long nightmare ride Tuesday and heading back to school I knew a day of rest was better for me that pushing when feeling super tired.

My legs were a little tired when I started off on this ride. My legs started giving out last night at the Firehouse, Winger, Warrant show. Getting up at 4 am yesterday for the 17 mile run finally caught up to me as I was rocking out.

I had 40 miles planned so I decided to do 3 x 10 mile interval blocks where I would start around race pace and try to gain speed each interval.

I was able to accomplish this goal by pushing each interval. As the ride continued I kept feeling stronger on the bike. After the third interval I did one mile at a close to all out pace to finish off strong before the cool down block.

This week I will begin the taper process to get ready for my race this Sunday. Time for me to study the course, find a hotel, and begin the preparations. After some nutritional tests and studying the facts like crazy I think I have made some progress. I don't have it all figured out, but am getting one set closer. After my 17 mile run I have much more confidence going into this race. Perhaps easing up just a bit on the bike will help me get my run off to a much better start.

I am off to grab some ingredients to make Allen's Rice Cakes and test these out this week to possibly use during the race as solid food. I have yet to find anything that settles well with me besides PB&J.

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